Monday, July 10, 2023

Devils house on Bayside Drive On the Same side of Church

    I went to see if the devils house was still there and take a picture for a  book but it was removed but couple weeks ago it was still there. May a fire took it down or the city removed it because there a bad history to that house. Many years ago child was assaulted there in the middle of the night and she was only about 11 years Old she had no breast developed, just a child in her PJs sleeping . He was a Monster , prey on sleeping children and threating them not to tell or else? . This was not the first time the child was threated.  Maybe the child can find some peace or closer. Usually if there is one child abused there maybe there was many children over the years and they came forward with complaints to the police,  (C) Copyrights !  dawnangel 


Monday, April 10, 2023

Parking at Fernhill Cemetery Crematory

 A memory of a date in his car that Ernie took Dawn parking in front of the Crematory . So strange now that I am older and had told it in therapist years later. I found Scary years later  to go there to go there to visit my brother's grave. I don't feel this is the  best choice to take fourteen year girlfriend.  It s in poor taste to take any girl there to walk . Now I am much older and these are the memories of his strange behavior. I find this a sick joke for someone to do to a young girl. Dawn should have had a  bodyguard as there was  evil men in Saint John NB. (C) dawnangel 

Monday, March 27, 2023

It Hard to Forget in Church

I look down gallery each Sunday at church there she is my Teacher from Saint Perter School . I am remenbering the year I last went there . Ernie is taking me parking and driving around Saint John NB and Rothesay and getting me drunk . In school I can't learn as my mind won't work. I am sleeping at school and maybe more so after car mishap and he is trying to get me to drive the car from passenger side and I let go of the wheel because he had me impaired .  Also it is dark and I can't see to drive . That year I am  age fourteen at this time so he broke up with me because of the car mishap so he said I wasn't let out late enough. Ernie is nine years older. His driving lesson remind of my father in St Martens who got me to drive his car up the field and park so maybe this feels like a connection to my dad but my father doesn't touch me sexually.   takes me swimming like my  father   so another connection. Names may be change in my story this is for legal reasons. (c) dawnangel 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Remember My Youngest brother Jeff

 It was the summer I was seventeen and pregnant . We had move to GrandBay NB and I am living in a Mimi Home right behind the Bakery and Hardware Store. It was hot summer so I would walk up to the Dariy Queen for ice cream. I love Grand Bay and the Drive -in Theatre was just down the road but I don't think he took me then and he was too busy on strake with his Mill job and the Race Track. One warm summer day I had my youngest brother out he was only 8 years old. The boyfriend said he would return my brother to my mother in town. That night I receive a call from mother about my brother and she was upset and screaming at me and asking why he would give my youngest alcohal but I was confuse and  I not sure way he would do to him.  One night the boyfriend said his car was hit by a hit and run person but now with his history I am not sure?  One night the baby was on her way so  we went to the hospital and after I stayed with mother after the baby was born. This was her first grand child , a girl. It was now winter ,November .  After we later move to East Saint John to an apartment. This blog is dedicated to my youngest brother and to the thirteen age girls that are abused by older men and children that go missing each year.   This Blog is  also to educate people about the Grooming  by someone who builds a relationship , trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.  Some of these men will go on to exploit and trafficked young person. To my Brother Jeff who would have been 59 years old today if he was alive.  (C) Copyrights dawnangel 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The story of dawnangel at Thirteen Year Old

 The summer I was working in a small care home on Bayside Drive down past large Stella Maris Catholic  Church. I am working there because my parent knows the person who owns the Care Home. I am there also because of am cheap help as I am only 13 years old and I wouldn't know what I deserve to be paid. I had many jobs, help in the kitchen, take the trays to the elderly people. Help the staff bath and dress the patients. Also, clean and and paint a bedroom when the patients leaves for Hospital I also had the towels for the Hair salon to take out to laundromats next door and cleaning the Hair Salon . That summer a couple weeks before my 14 teen birthday I decided to drop by to visit a women in her early twentys. Her name was Jean White and she was diabetic and I felt sorry when she got out her big needle and the med she injected . I learn young how to take out the little bubbles out of the bottle of insulin. She  did this to help feel sorry for her and to manipulation. The next thing I knew she was taken me to meet her two friends. She me telling me I would be with a Ernie guy and she was going  date Randy Allen.  The next thing I knew they all at her boss house and they had alcohal and they gave some to me. I was thirteen years old and I was not going continue this but Jean kept if you don't see this guy then Randy he wouldn't date her. I felt I was being push into something I didn't want to continue but I heard that from Jean . One night I decided I had enough and I didn't this guy and he was too old for me. I went out in the dark of the night to leave to go home when this Eernie guy came after in his car and demanded for me to get car and he drove me back to Jean home . This how 13 teen year get mix up with someone that wasn't good for her. In Randys car his friend couldn't keep his hand off of me in the back sit and Jean and Randy in the front. His hands  all over my body without my consent. This happens  alot to young girls all over the world .  They start to buy with things, jewellery and purple jampsuit.  (c) dawnangel 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

This Dimond ring doesn't shine for me anymore.

 I was about 16 and he gave me a large diamond ring I was not very smart so I except it but I didn't know it would give him rights to abuse me mentally and abuse sexually  me. As time went by we move next door by his mother 50 Hazen Street. One day he came home and tried to force me to lay down on black couch and he was drunk and smell like alcohal and this smell made me sick to my stomach. While doing he force my right arm backwards and this is next normal way to move our arms. The next day my wrist and arm was so painfull I had to go up to St Joseph Hospital and they put a cast on my wrist and arm and to told  me I broke my wrist and sprain my arm. The nurse asked me what happened and I told her the boyfriend try to force me to lay down and I didn't want too. Years later I went to same hospital and they said they don't keep records back then. This boyfriend got me pregnant at 17 and I had my first child at age 18. A feel he didn.t care about what was good for me and it was all about his selfish sexual needs. He was nine years older than me and alway put me down. Once he told my mother they gave that stupid thing her licence. I feel no diamond ring is worth you self esteen  and self worth. Some women stay with these kind men and ones that hurt or beat them up. I like the singer that wrote a song and sings it on channel 488 about loving yourself better then he can love you.  Time for women to rise up and get smart! Buy your own rings.   Dawn Mc Adam (c) dawnangel