Saturday, March 25, 2023

Remember My Youngest brother Jeff

 It was the summer I was seventeen and pregnant . We had move to GrandBay NB and I am living in a Mimi Home right behind the Bakery and Hardware Store. It was hot summer so I would walk up to the Dariy Queen for ice cream. I love Grand Bay and the Drive -in Theatre was just down the road but I don't think he took me then and he was too busy on strake with his Mill job and the Race Track. One warm summer day I had my youngest brother out he was only 8 years old. The boyfriend said he would return my brother to my mother in town. That night I receive a call from mother about my brother and she was upset and screaming at me and asking why he would give my youngest alcohal but I was confuse and  I not sure way he would do to him.  One night the boyfriend said his car was hit by a hit and run person but now with his history I am not sure?  One night the baby was on her way so  we went to the hospital and after I stayed with mother after the baby was born. This was her first grand child , a girl. It was now winter ,November .  After we later move to East Saint John to an apartment. This blog is dedicated to my youngest brother and to the thirteen age girls that are abused by older men and children that go missing each year.   This Blog is  also to educate people about the Grooming  by someone who builds a relationship , trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them.  Some of these men will go on to exploit and trafficked young person. To my Brother Jeff who would have been 59 years old today if he was alive.  (C) Copyrights dawnangel 

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