I was about 16 and he gave me a large diamond ring I was not very smart so I except it but I didn't know it would give him rights to abuse me mentally and abuse sexually me. As time went by we move next door by his mother 50 Hazen Street. One day he came home and tried to force me to lay down on black couch and he was drunk and smell like alcohal and this smell made me sick to my stomach. While doing he force my right arm backwards and this is next normal way to move our arms. The next day my wrist and arm was so painfull I had to go up to St Joseph Hospital and they put a cast on my wrist and arm and to told me I broke my wrist and sprain my arm. The nurse asked me what happened and I told her the boyfriend try to force me to lay down and I didn't want too. Years later I went to same hospital and they said they don't keep records back then. This boyfriend got me pregnant at 17 and I had my first child at age 18. A feel he didn.t care about what was good for me and it was all about his selfish sexual needs. He was nine years older than me and alway put me down. Once he told my mother they gave that stupid thing her licence. I feel no diamond ring is worth you self esteen and self worth. Some women stay with these kind men and ones that hurt or beat them up. I like the singer that wrote a song and sings it on channel 488 about loving yourself better then he can love you. Time for women to rise up and get smart! Buy your own rings. Dawn Mc Adam (c) dawnangel
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